Why Brick Pavers Fade and How to Prevent & Fix Faded Pavers

If you have had a concrete brick paver patio, driveway or walkway for a while you have probably noticed that the color is not as bold and beautiful as it use to be. The color slowly disappears as the stone and sand becomes more noticeable. There is nothing to blame but the SUN.

The UV rays fade the pigment used in the cement. Even though most quality pavers are colored throughout the thickness of the paver and not just on top you will still see the color gets a washed out faded look. Since the aggregate (sand and stone) does not accept the color pigments these become more visible as white, gray or tan colored specs in your pavers as the color fades.

GOOD NEWS! Your costly patio or driveway can look great again! Whether you have older faded pavers or newly installed colorful pavers you can have the original look restored and new pavers protected from the fading effects of the sun.

Old Pavers-With the use of a wet look sealer you can bring out the original colors in faded pavers. A solvent based sealer will give the faded pavers a wet look which basically darkens the pavers and pops out color bringing old pavers back to life.

New Pavers- To protect your investment and avoid the damaging effects of the sun there are two options. A wet look sealer will darken your pavers giving them the appearance you see after a rain or an invisible sealer which does not change the appearance but protects your patio/driveway.

95% of all of our work uses a wet look sealer. It gives the look our customers want. A lot of times homeowners and property managers will tell us that the pavers look better after the sealer was applied than when they were first installed.

Be sure to visit the Paver Protector website more info.

Call 630-488-0069  to have your pavers restored and protected!

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