Surebond adds 2 Paver Protector Employees to Certified Apllicator Program

For over 30 years, Surebond sealers and cleaners have been maintaining and protecting the most demanding hardscape installations. Surebond has been a leader in innovative sealer products, including introducing the industry to the “joint stabilizing sealer”.

Surebond’s certified applicator program insures that those who are applying cleaners and sealers to brick pavers and hardscapes are qualified to do so through training in the classroom and hands on applications. All Sure bond Certified Applicators are required to pass an exam on the proper use of their products and hardscape cleaning and sealing in general.

Paver Protector Inc., a Gilberts, IL based brick paver maintenance provider recently had 2 employees go through the Surebond’s Certified Applicator program. The certificates are below.

Paver Protector takes hardscape maintenance and installation seriously and is at the forefront of this industry. We feel that education in our field is part of what makes us the best at what we do. In the communities served, the Paver Protector team has the most experience as well as the most education in hardscape maintenance.

Paver Protector Inc. is also a Techniseal certified applciator and also holds certificates and recognition from industry associations like ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institue) certified brick paver installers, NCMA (National Concrete Masonry Assocation) Certified segmental retaining wall installers, are graduates from SASP (School for Advanced Segmental Paving) among others.

Paver Protector Provides, cleaning, joint resanding, sealing and repairs to brick pavers and hardscape in the following areas- Barrington, Inverness, St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia, Aurora, Wasco, Elburn, Wayne, Bartlett, Gilberts, Huntley, Hampshire, Elgin, South Elgin, Dundee, Schaumburg, Palatine, Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, Crystal Lake and surrounding communities. Call Paver Protector at 630-488-0069 or email for a free hardscape evaluation.

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